Booty muscles aren’t just for looks!
Strong glutes (maximus, medius and minimus) are important for proper pelvic alignment, propulsion during running, and even single limb stance support. Strong glutes also help to support and protect the lower back during lifting motions, and prevent knee injuries during lifting and running exercises. Having strong glutes is fundamental to safely execute lower extremity exercises like deadlifts, squats, and even walking.

Double Duty MOVES for your Booty! A fabric hip circle is the BEST for comfort and challenge, but a round elastic band or a long elastic band tied into a circle can be used. Place the band above your knees and perform these 2 exercises one after the other with minimal rest. 2-3 sets.

LATERAL SIDE WALKING: 24 steps total *Keep your weight in the heels, knees over toes, toes point forward, and take slow, small steps.

QUADRUPED HIP EXTENSION: 10 each leg *Shoulders over wrists, hips level, pull your belly button toward spine, press heel behind you and squeeze glutes.