Get Strong,Toned Upper Arms

Tricep Kickbacks focus on toning  the back of your upper arm that tends to get a little FLABBY… You know what I’m talking about!  

Strengthening tricep muscles along with reducing overall bodyfat can produce beautiful definition in your arms.  Strong triceps also help prevent injury and make your upper body more useful in daily activities such as pushing heavy loads or weightlifting exercises such as bench presses and push-ups.  Developing upper body strength is especially important as you age, but it’s a good idea to keep your body strong from a young age. Building muscle strength helps to support bone health and strength, which is useful in treating and preventing osteoporosis.

These can be done with band(s), dumbbell or even a soup can. Keep your shoulder back and elbow up and close to your side.  By bending forward, you really have to work against gravity to move the weight up and down.  No straining… Form is key to protect your shoulder!

  1. Wrap a band around one hand and step on the other end, palm facing toward your body, pull your shoulder back and down to stabilize it (feel your mid-back muscles tense).
  2. Engage your core and maintain a straight spine as you hinge forward at the waist, bringing your torso almost parallel to the floor, keeping your knees slightly bent, relax your neck.
  3. Keep your upper arm in close to your body with elbow up (only your lower arm should move)
  4. Engage your triceps by straightening your elbow (arm should be parallel to the floor).
  5. Pause for 1-2 seconds, and then return the weights to the starting position.
  6. Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps.

Build Strong Glutes with Supersets

Booty muscles aren’t just for looks!
Strong glutes (maximus, medius and minimus) are important for proper pelvic alignment, propulsion during running, and even single limb stance support. Strong glutes also help to support and protect the lower back during lifting motions, and prevent knee injuries during lifting and running exercises. Having strong glutes is fundamental to safely execute lower extremity exercises like deadlifts, squats, and even walking.

Double Duty MOVES for your Booty! A fabric hip circle is the BEST for comfort and challenge, but a round elastic band or a long elastic band tied into a circle can be used. Place the band above your knees and perform these 2 exercises one after the other with minimal rest. 2-3 sets.

LATERAL SIDE WALKING: 24 steps total *Keep your weight in the heels, knees over toes, toes point forward, and take slow, small steps.

QUADRUPED HIP EXTENSION: 10 each leg *Shoulders over wrists, hips level, pull your belly button toward spine, press heel behind you and squeeze glutes.

How Do I Start Planking?

Benefits of planking
Planks build a strong core and increase upper strength.  Additional benefits include improved balance and posture.  When done with correct form, planking can bring substantial results in less time.  Consistency and progression are KEY.  

Find your starting point
To start planking safely, choose a variation that fits your fitness level.  If you can hold a plank for 1 minute, consider progressing to the next variation.  NOTE: If you have injuries, consult a fitness professional prior to beginning your planking program.

1. Incline forearm plank (easiest)
2. Forearm plank on knees
3. Forearm plank
4. Full plank (more difficult)

Proper Form
1. Shoulders over elbows or hands.
2. Tucked tailbone, squeeze glutes or buttocks.  You should feel your abs tighten as well.
3. Look ahead slightly to keep spine neutral (see photo below for head position).
4. Toes about shoulder width apart or less.

NOTE: Head position


1. Incline Forearm Plank 

2. Forearm Plank on Knees

3. Forearm Plank

4. Full Plank